With the COVID-19 virus still a prevalent part of day-to-day life, the early education sector operates under various restrictions.  

It has been mandated that early childhood education carers must be fully vaccinated in ALL states, with Tasmania being the last on February 5, 2022. For information regarding vaccination requirements in each state, please refer to the following:

For many Family Day Care Schemes and Services, tracking multiple educators’ vaccination statuses can become difficult, especially with increasing pressure from regulated government checkups. Each state mandates that employers must:

Keep a record of COVID-19 vaccination information reported to them by their workers and, store it securely.

As a result of this, Harmony Web CCS Software features a ‘vaccination status’ tracker, where services can record COVID-19 vaccination doses AND generate reports.  

Your service may record and report upon Covid-19 Vaccination history for: 

  • Educators 
  • Educator Assistants 
  • Educator Occupants 

Once saved, each record is safely stored in our local Australian servers and can be easily accessed/updated when required. 

As more people around the country are getting their booster shots, services will also need to provide evidence of a 3rd jab.  We have now added a 3rd ‘Booster’ option for employers. 

So why wait? Stay organised and easily track COVID-19 vaccinations at your service today… 

To learn more about Harmony Web CCS Software and how you can track all COVID-19 compliance, click here.