Our team reflected on the past 12 months. It was busy, surprising, challenging, diverse and always interesting.

While 2021 still had plenty of COVID-19 issues the Brisbane-based team were always available for clients to just have chat. Checking-in had a different meaning. Even during uncertainty, the one common thread was making sure businesses were running smoothly, staff were able to access their software and share the everyday goings-on at their home-based service with families.

Caring and educating for children didn’t stop during 2021. That’s why we were happy to welcome many new customers to the Harmony Web family. Our new Family Day Care or In Home Care Scheme providers and home-based Educators are from across Australia, and all they wanted to use the number one software solution designed for their unique home-based education and care services. We say thank you for joining the Harmony Web Software family.

If you would like to know why Family Day Care and In Home Care schemes move to Harmony Web CCS Software, and if your scheme should too, send us a message via info@harmonyweb.com.au today.